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Fun at Toyota Dealer

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  • Fun at Toyota Dealer

    hey there folks,

    i called into the toyota dealership in newport, south wales today, (still looking for some 28mm 3w festoon bulbs for inside the doors) and had me a bit of fun with the new parts boy....!!!

    now a bit of history first. my company car is an avensis and travelling approx 1200 miles a week as i do, they know me quite well in the service dept.

    so as i walked in, the service manager looks up and sez,
    "hello mate' what you doing in today...??"
    pointing at the parts desk i reply,
    "i'm down here today"

    i ask the lad for a 28 or 30mm 3w festoon bulb. he askes me, "what's it for"
    so i tell him, then ha askes, "what car....??" "a hilux surf" i reply.........
    "ohh, that's an import"

    "so, does that make a difference, don't they make good cars in japan then.....??"

    at this the service manager nearly drowned in his coffee........ heehee

    ok, so maybe you had to be there, but it was funny at the time.....

    see ya'll