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good old rant

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  • good old rant

    i am sick of all this bugging from companys that want money
    i was insured up my ass when i was a company director they chuck money at ya then
    but wil i fell ill 4 years ago i went through the insurence thing and for 2 years i was battleing it out with them over what covered what all this stuff insurecne loans all with the same bank
    after all this they said no to everything
    i was not covered coz i had a crumbling spine in 1995? like fluk i did
    in 1995 i was 20 years old i got ill with my back in 2003
    so after all they wont cover me for sh1t
    and all i get is silly phone calls from sub company of this bank
    bugging me for silly things
    now why
    if you arange payment for so much a month
    why why why
    do they need to cancel it every 3 months to review your payment sceem?
    it makes no sence
    its in place iam paying so what is the need to review it
    i would love to name the bastewards but its just not right to do so
    they chuck money at me then try the hard tack ticks when the sh1t hits the fan
    its unsurcured loan too think they would be happy iam paying
    what part of unsurcured dont they understand (unless its spelt wrong)
    just had a right old rant on the phone at 9 oclock at night now they trying to say that they going to charge me if i dont pay them more?
    who do they think they are
    i quoted the consomer rights act to this guy
    and he told me he know all about it
    so its all staying the same has it was
    so piontless phoning me then
    just think how many others that are paying charges that are in afect ilegal

    end of rant
    Last edited by JUDWAK; 1 April 2009, 21:38.
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate