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My first post! :-)

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  • My first post! :-)

    Hi all, Carl here

    I'm going to be buying a Surf in the next few weeks, and still don't really know what to go for. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of a buying guide (from what I've found) so thought maybe some of you could offer some advise...

    I am living in New Zealand at the moment (originally from the UK) and have been driving about 500kms a week to/from work. I have been told different things in regards to buying a petrol or a diesel, and whether it's better to have auto or manual.

    I do intend to be using it offroad, as well as being my daily driver, so need something reliable, and economical. Over here there is an extra charge for diesel users called Road Users Charge (although I don't know how much it works out to be yet).

    So, what should I get? A friend of mine used to own a Surf and says I should get the 3ltr diesel in auto, but the manual ones are cheaper, as everyone over here wants auto... Are manuals worse?

    Sorry for the long post, my brain hurts now!

    Thanks in advance