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Wet Patch

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  • Wet Patch

    Noticed a few times after it has rained that there is a small wet patch on the carpet in the passenger side foot well. This only happens whem the Surf is parked on the drive, which is inclined, this leaves the bonnet end high and the tail low. No water enters the foot well when it's parked level.

    I've checked for the obvious holes in the bodywork but everything seems fine. The water isn't coming from a heater hose. It's only a very small amount but I'd like to find out where it comes from. Are there any drain holes below the windscreen that could be blocked? Any ideas?

    (Apart from not parking it on the drive!)
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
    Any ideas?
    You've got a leak somewhere I reckon
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


    • #3
      I've had this exact same problem for yonks. Still not isolated it, but I'm tending towards water creeping along wires or that air intake vent under the windscreen. Slapping sealant around the windscreen seal made bugger all difference, and the door seals appear fine.


      • #4
        I noticed when I had my n/s wing off that there is a small drain hose located coming down at A pillar.

        It might be this.

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."

