Few weeks ago just before my computer went down I was coming up M6 in the grey Toyota Carina with home made trailer on back and a little blue motor bike with L plates on.
I kept pace with a Surf we just happened to be travelling about the same speed.
It had quick silver in "Apache style lettering" and we passed each other about 4 times over a fair stretch of motorway.
Mean't to say hi before now. It was me, I waved when you passed and thought you'd be wondering why that daft sod with the bike on back kept waving.
It was meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I kept pace with a Surf we just happened to be travelling about the same speed.
It had quick silver in "Apache style lettering" and we passed each other about 4 times over a fair stretch of motorway.
Mean't to say hi before now. It was me, I waved when you passed and thought you'd be wondering why that daft sod with the bike on back kept waving.
It was meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.