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Helpful tip..starter motor..

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  • Helpful tip..starter motor..

    It seems that many of you fellow Surfers have or are suffering from the dreaded starter motor...CLICKthis is nearly always (barring loose contacts and flat batteries) the starter solenoid contacts being burned which creates a high resistance to current flow. If you find yourself stuck with a motor that won't ...er...motor then get someone to hold the ignition key in the start position (against the return spring) and with the jack handle belt the starter motor a goodly smack and it should wake up. Please take all the usual common sense precautions..out of gear...fingers out etc..

    If you have only just begun to experience this problem, then you may be very lucky and get away with just cleaning the contacts carefully....except you have to get the starter motor out or at least in a position of access. If you don't disconnect the main powerlead from the battery/s then use plastic tube or insulating tape to isolate the 'live' wire from potential earthing and possibly spiking the ECU!!!!!

    And you guessed it mines on the blink ....it's not just common to the Surf either.