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eBay and Auctionsniper

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  • eBay and Auctionsniper

    O.K so far I undersatnd this much.
    If you are not using Auctionsniper you will lose the auction, it might not be cricket but that is life.
    Here is the bit I do not get.
    What if two people are after the same thing and BOTH use Auctionsniper with a max bid of say $100 ????
    Who wins ???
    Over here our local site TradeMe.co.nz has an Auto-extend on auctions that the seller can choose to activate. This means that if I hang out to the last seconds and bid the auction end time jumps 2 minutes and someone else if they are fast enough can get a bid in, then I go again.
    I have sold gear that has gone 10 minutes into overtime and made a packet.
    It is a prick when you are the buyer though
    '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd