Did anyone from here visit Weardale off road centre yesterday-9th?
There were 3 Surfs there, one with a newly removed A-bar(they're not the most substantial things to tie your rope to when axle-deep in mud!)
The going was VERY wet'n'slippy, but both Surf and Zuki (sorry) performed well. There was a man from the BBC there so keep your eyes open for a Burgundy gen2 or Zuki (sorry) with a big grin, and a grey gen 2 with no A-bar.
There were 3 Surfs there, one with a newly removed A-bar(they're not the most substantial things to tie your rope to when axle-deep in mud!)
The going was VERY wet'n'slippy, but both Surf and Zuki (sorry) performed well. There was a man from the BBC there so keep your eyes open for a Burgundy gen2 or Zuki (sorry) with a big grin, and a grey gen 2 with no A-bar.