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Airplane on a Conveyor conundrum

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  • Airplane on a Conveyor conundrum

    OK, here is a thought experiment/conundrum for all the clever-clogs on here.

    You have an airplane sat on a huge conveyor belt. The conveyor belt is computer controlled such that its speed is always the same as that of the aircraft - only backwards. I.e. If the aircraft is moving forwards at 10mph, then the conveyor will move backwards at 10mph. Will the aircraft be able to take off?

    1. The aircraft is otherwise normally capable of flying just fine, and the pilot is normally capable of flying this aircraft just fine.
    2. The conveyor belt runway is more than long enough that if the belt didn't move the aircraft would have ample room to achieve take-off. There are no obstructions that would affect a normal take-off.
    3. The runway is at sea level, the air is still, and the conditions are perfect.

    OK, so, will it fly or not? Please explain your answers if possible.

    *** Clarification - Edit ***
    The aircrafts speed is measured relative to fixed point on the ground, and not relative to the moving conveyor
    Yes, of course it'll fly.
    No way, it's going nowhere.
    My brain hurts, and I want my mummy!
    Last edited by Slugsie; 29 January 2008, 23:00.
    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!

  • #2
    It won't fly as the airplane relies on wind passing over and under the wings to get lift, in this scenario the plane will be effectively stationary with no wind, and therefore no lift.

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      Of course it won't fly - it's airspeed that matters, not speed over the ground. With the conveyor belt keeping the plane still with relation to the ground, and hence the air, there will be no lift, hence the plane won't take off. The speed of the conveyor belt is irrelevant.

      I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


      • #4
        as beaky an trev said - t'wont work!

        ... unless there was maybe a giant fan in front of it?!


        • #5
          It'll fly
          =SOLD UP!=


          • #6
            Originally posted by nero279 View Post
            It'll fly
            Could you please explain why?
            Paul </Slugsie>
            Immortal.so far!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Slugsie View Post
              OK, here is a thought experiment/conundrum for all the clever-clogs on here.

              You have an airplane sat on a huge conveyor belt. The conveyor belt is computer controlled such that its speed is always the same as that of the aircraft - only backwards. I.e. If the aircraft is moving forwards at 10mph, then the conveyor will move backwards at 10mph. Will the aircraft be able to take off?

              1. The aircraft is otherwise normally capable of flying just fine, and the pilot is normally capable of flying this aircraft just fine.
              2. The conveyor belt runway is more than long enough that if the belt didn't move the aircraft would have ample room to achieve take-off. There are no obstructions that would affect a normal take-off.
              3. The runway is at sea level, the air is still, and the conditions are perfect.

              OK, so, will it fly or not? Please explain your answers if possible.
              Yes it will fly but just not on the conveyor belt


              • #8
                hang on, is this a trick question?

                You never said "could the plane take off from the conveyor belt"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
                  hang on, is this a trick question?

                  You never said "could the plane take off from the conveyor belt"
                  Nope, it's not a trick question, there are no surprises. The aircraft is sat on the conveyor, and will attempt to taxi and take off all on the conveyor. It will only leave the conveyor if it actually manages to get airborne.
                  Paul </Slugsie>
                  Immortal.so far!


                  • #10
                    isnt it just like a running machine, but with wheels - ie the person doesnt get anywhere - just on the spot?


                    • #11
                      yes it will fly, because its the thrust from the engines that gets the plane moving and they are not driven by the wheels , therefore no matter how fast the conveyor belt is moving, the wheels will be spinning faster and faster but will not be slowing the plane down
                      so for the plane to be doing 10mph for example, it must be phisically moving through the air, not have its wheels moving that fast!
                      therefore there will be lift and the plane will take off
                      PayPal for stickers : scuffsnscrapes@hotmail.com


                      • #12
                        i thought it needed windspeed to lift? would there be any?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by progrob View Post
                          i thought it needed windspeed to lift? would there be any?
                          Yup, it needs air-speed to achieve take-off. You need to try and work out if it will be able to generate sufficient air-speed.
                          Paul </Slugsie>
                          Immortal.so far!


                          • #14
                            well yes there will as dont planes measure windspeed anyway, therefore a planes 10miles per hour is a wind speed of 10miles per hour , therefore it will take off
                            PayPal for stickers : scuffsnscrapes@hotmail.com


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Slugsie View Post
                              Nope, it's not a trick question, there are no surprises. The aircraft is sat on the conveyor, and will attempt to taxi and take off all on the conveyor. It will only leave the conveyor if it actually manages to get airborne.
                              If you say it's a helicopter there will be a disorderly queue to slap you
                              Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

